Thursday, January 24, 2008

One of a Bajillion Ways that YouTube Has Changed My Life

So, when I first heard of YouTube, I knew it was going to be huge. A medium for American teenagers to act like ass-hats and have people pay attention to them? Where do I invest my life savings?!

Little did I know it would actually provide me with some of the sweetest, happiest surprises when I stumbled upon this semi-underground, Classic Sesame Street clips group.

I can’t tell you how many comments I’ve seen on these videos with people saying how much finding an old piece of their childhood meant to them. People swear to be weeping with joy over finding something as silly as a clip of their favorite Ernie & Bert skit.

It’s such a cool community, and I’m really looking forward to adding some of my own material to it. I have several old episodes still on VHS. All I need is my Dad’s help in converting them to DVD format, then I can work on them myself with my handy dandy latest version of Adobe Premiere Pro. (BOO-yah!)

That being said, there are some TRIPPY ASS skits from the old Sesame Street episodes! (They stopped showing all pre-1990’s content in 1992. I’ve heard different stories as to why, but I digress.)

Seriously, do you all remember any of these? I remember watching them back then with such innocence. But, now that I’m older… well, I hate to corrupt idyllic childhood memories, but these animators & muppeters had to be seriously baked while creating a number of these sketches.

Here are a few of my personal, psychedelic favorites below:

Indian Raga 20

Jazzy Spies #2

And, my absolute personal favorite one for no other reason that this is pretty much an exact replica of how my brain operates. (Visualizing Shapes)

No joke – I laughed out loud repeatedly during that last one. That’s exactly what it’s like inside my head ALL DAY LONG.

(I know, I scare myself, too, sometimes.)

No wonder I grew up to be such a hippie! Can I go work for Sesame Street? Clearly they’ve got some of that legendary, Amsterdam-grown sticky icky over there. Hell, they can pay me in that – smoke some, supplement my income with the rest.

Seriously, I could watch this ish all day. Do your inner child a favor, and visit these people’s YouTube channels. I personally guarantee you at least 15 minutes of pure, unadulterated joy:






PS: Just because it’s such a classic… =)

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